Saturday, 26th February
Another Quiz
Here is another Captain Jack Sparrow quiz, this one is which facial expression are you, i am
You are his… Foreboding Grin. You are one who is
quite predictable, and who loves to appear
evil. You like to act insane, as well as enjoy
the bloodier things in life. In my opinion,
you’d be fun to hang around with!
Which Facial Expression of Jack Sparrow’s Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Johnny Depp Quiz
Hi im back, Try this Which quote are you quiz, its cool, apparently i am,
‘Now..Bring me that horizon.’- You’ve gotten what
you wanted, but you still seem a bit
melancholy. Maybe what you really want is for
things to just keep changing.
Which of Captain Jack Sparrow’s Quotes are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Friday, 11th February
hi ive got my mates sam and mike over at the mo
mike:hi mike here sdhfdigcixfdugvohcvbjcg ldbflgjkcv nfgnb dfb fcvibnk i
honestly michael
Sam: Hi every1! i am havin a gud time at jams house with mike and jam!
bye for now

Thursday, 3rd February
hi guys
at skool at the mo
gotta go

Wednesday, 24th November
School and Other Stuff
Hi, sorry I haven’t posted 4 a while and i am at school at the mo, but when i get home i will give u details, hi guys im tara, jamies mate, that was my mate, tara!
see ya

Friday, 5th November
St Bede’s College
I went to St Bede’s College last night and it is wicked!!! For a start its MASSIVE!!!! and has 5 buildings, a playing field and a GIANT Library, I love it!! We had 2 first year tour guides and they were great! Id give it 10/10. So now all I have to do now is pass the exam!!! 🙂

Saturday, 16th October
about my sleepover: hannah came home with me after school and we got changed and made a door sign saying sleepover in progress do not disturb then we had pizza for tea and played truth or dare and watched school of rock, great film! with alot of sweets! then we watched spy kids 3-d and it was cool then we went to bed about 10.30 but stayed awake till ????? i dont know actually….
and we gossiped alot and then we woke up at 7.30 which is better than last week, 5 am!! then we gossiped a bit more and went down and made toast, butter and marmite, yum! then we annoyed dad for a bit after playing a while and making some thing else, then we got dressed up wierdly and told everyones fortune, well that was our day,,,, ive got dancing in about an hour and i might be going to blackpool after to see the lights….. more details at the end of the day. see you then!!

hi! sorry i havent been on for a while cos ive been really busy, yesterday my friend hannah slept over and we had a great time, more details soon and now ive got an msn account! so i can talk to my mates! cool innit!!

Dunk for Britain
Hi everyone ive found a great site today, its called Dunk for britain
see yaaaaa….

Wednesday, 22nd September
Happy Birthday STEVE!
Scooby dooby to you, scooby dooby to you,
Scooby dooby dear steve….
Scooby dooby to you….
Hope you have a great day!!!