Saturday, 31st May
Hello everyone! sorry I haven’t written for a while. I am in the middle of my holidays
and I am having a lot of fun! my grandma has been in bed all this week coz she has not been well
and I hope she gets better very soon
see you soon
Thursday, 22nd May
today and friday
I cant believe its Thursday already and I’m looking forward to tommorrow because Jessie is sleeping over if i tidy my room see you all later jamie:-)
Thursday, 15th May
Only 1 more exam today until we have finished (my class) it all!! But Bekki’s class are still doing Sats so good luck to Bekki and all of her class!
Tuesday, 13th May
At school we have got exams all week, yesterday we had a maths exam and I did pretty well
and today we have got science exams. On Wednesday we have an english and on Thursday we have spelling and reading. Hope to do well and see you later!
Monday, 12th May
I’d just like to say, Happy birthday to the best Dad in the world.
Hope you have a great day. Love you lots.xoxoxo
Tuesday, 6th May
On Sunday…..
I went to the Cinema with Megan and Kim on Sunday. We went to see Jungle book 2, it was really cool.
After that we went to Mc Donalds for lunch and I had chicken nuggets and chips. Then I went home and
later I went back out to watch the dancing in the streets show, it was extra wicked! Well, that was my day and I’ll tell you more next time.
Sunday, 4th May
Francis house
Yesterday I went to Francis house.It was really great,I saw Alice from my school ,she was there with her Parents and Grandparents.In the art room I made a treasure box and in the music room I played on the key board.I went on the bouncy castle and had Strawberries and cream!. I went in the Chapel and it was beautiful!.There also was a Magician who juggled with the fire clubs of Death!I had a Wicked day and today I am going to the Stockport town centre to see the Dancing in the street show.Tell you all about it when I get back!
Friday, 2nd May
Just to let you know that Comments is not working yet. So if you leave a comment i can’t read it yet.
Future,Today and the past
Yesterday I had a great day at Grandmas .I got spoilt as usual. I got a giant bar of galaxy and another easter egg. Today Megan is sleeping over and we have just had lunch.Hope to have a great night and a yummy (we are having pancakes)brekkie the next day. I am looking forward to tomorrow because I am going to Francis house with Wendy and Mum for Rainbow day. That is where my cousins Peter, Glyn and Keith used to go. I’ll tell you all about it when I get back.
Thursday, 1st May
Just a note to say….
Just a note to say I am going shopping and then to Grandma’s. Hope you all have a great day,hope the sun will shine and hope you all are wearing a smile!
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