Sunday, 4th May
Francis house
Yesterday I went to Francis house.It was really great,I saw Alice from my school ,she was there with her Parents and Grandparents.In the art room I made a treasure box and in the music room I played on the key board.I went on the bouncy castle and had Strawberries and cream!. I went in the Chapel and it was beautiful!.There also was a Magician who juggled with the fire clubs of Death!I had a Wicked day and today I am going to the Stockport town centre to see the Dancing in the street show.Tell you all about it when I get back!

Friday, 2nd May
Just to let you know that Comments is not working yet. So if you leave a comment i can’t read it yet.

Future,Today and the past
Yesterday I had a great day at Grandmas .I got spoilt as usual. I got a giant bar of galaxy and another easter egg. Today Megan is sleeping over and we have just had lunch.Hope to have a great night and a yummy (we are having pancakes)brekkie the next day. I am looking forward to tomorrow because I am going to Francis house with Wendy and Mum for Rainbow day. That is where my cousins Peter, Glyn and Keith used to go. I’ll tell you all about it when I get back.

Thursday, 1st May
Just a note to say….
Just a note to say I am going shopping and then to Grandma’s. Hope you all have a great day,hope the sun will shine and hope you all are wearing a smile!

Wednesday, 30th April
I’m baack!!!!!!!!!!
Hi I’m back, my blog broke and I’ve done loads of things since my last post .I’ve been to the park lots of times and I went to a safari park with Megan and Kim and it was really cool. For Easter I had loads of eggs, yum, and a mini green house.I made a card board robot that rolls forward and opens its jaws , I have called it gobble.I am still on my holidays and go back to school on Tuesday. I have slept over at Jessies and I went to see the S Club movie called Seeing Double, been to the library and
probably loads of other stuff too..I will get back to you when I’ve remembered the rest!

Sunday, 23rd March
I have had a busy day today . First I went to Chloe’s and showed her how to mummify things and we mummifed some bertie botts beans from chistmas . But then we un- mummified then ,put them in boiling water and made a stew.We went to the nearby shop ( just me and chloe) but when we got in we were told no wheels ( she had blades I had scooter) cheeky!! I came home and Jackie came round. We had a look at my horrible histories collection. So that was my day….

Saturday, 22nd March
Welcome to my new site called the Cats Paw (as you probably know) And guess what ! I did it all in one weekend!! So I did this blog cos I wanted one and I don’t see why my mum dosen’t want one too! I was going to call it THE CATS WHISKERS but it was already taken soooo I chose this one and do you think it’s good? I’m only 8 but with a little ( ok a lot) help from my dad who has a blog as well I put together this MY BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!