Friday, 31st October
yes its halloween again and i am very very excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

every thing i have got up to
sorry i have not blogged for AGES but i have been doing billions of things!!! ive done a workshop at stage school and we did loads of stuff and i had a big sleepover with my friends catterina and tara .we have got a new computer and it is windows professional and alot quicker. ive got loads of home work and ive still got three more pages to do for monday. id like to say a big hello to kieran and mary-ann mcpeake and that the workshop was great. a few days ago my mate down the road called robyn came to sleepover. yesterday i went to tea at my friend vickys and when i got home i helped my mum and my dad carve the pumpkin and put up the decorations. for today……because we can’t have a party we are going to wacky warehouse for a halloween disco and i just know we will have a fab time.