Thursday, 5th June
what i have done today
today i went to arbuckles for tea with jackie and graham and bekki and thom. it was really good. then we went
to lots of good places like china town and old trafford and now i am just at jackies house bloggin!!!

Yesterday I went to visit Grandma and we (me and mum) got her the tablets she needed to help her
get better and then I went home and I played with my friend Robin who lives near me and I stayed
for a barbeque and I had 4 hotdogs and some chocolate biscuits after. Today me and mum are going to the library and I am going out for tea with Bekki tonight and I will tell you all about it then. 😉

Monday, 2nd June
today and more pics
Hi all, just come back from shopping and megs is sleeping over tonight
hope to have lots of fun and will see you all later. oh and here are some more pics!:-)

Sunday, 1st June
cute pics
here are some really cute pics of animals!!!!

Saturday, 31st May
Hello everyone! sorry I haven’t written for a while. I am in the middle of my holidays
and I am having a lot of fun! my grandma has been in bed all this week coz she has not been well
and I hope she gets better very soon
see you soon

Thursday, 22nd May
today and friday
I cant believe its Thursday already and I’m looking forward to tommorrow because Jessie is sleeping over if i tidy my room see you all later jamie:-)

Thursday, 15th May
Only 1 more exam today until we have finished (my class) it all!! But Bekki’s class are still doing Sats so good luck to Bekki and all of her class!

Tuesday, 13th May
At school we have got exams all week, yesterday we had a maths exam and I did pretty well
and today we have got science exams. On Wednesday we have an english and on Thursday we have spelling and reading. Hope to do well and see you later!

Monday, 12th May
I’d just like to say, Happy birthday to the best Dad in the world.
Hope you have a great day. Love you lots.xoxoxo

Tuesday, 6th May
On Sunday…..
I went to the Cinema with Megan and Kim on Sunday. We went to see Jungle book 2, it was really cool.
After that we went to Mc Donalds for lunch and I had chicken nuggets and chips. Then I went home and
later I went back out to watch the dancing in the streets show, it was extra wicked! Well, that was my day and I’ll tell you more next time.