Friday, 31st October
every thing i have got up to
sorry i have not blogged for AGES but i have been doing billions of things!!! ive done a workshop at stage school and we did loads of stuff and i had a big sleepover with my friends catterina and tara .we have got a new computer and it is windows professional and alot quicker. ive got loads of home work and ive still got three more pages to do for monday. id like to say a big hello to kieran and mary-ann mcpeake and that the workshop was great. a few days ago my mate down the road called robyn came to sleepover. yesterday i went to tea at my friend vickys and when i got home i helped my mum and my dad carve the pumpkin and put up the decorations. for today……because we can’t have a party we are going to wacky warehouse for a halloween disco and i just know we will have a fab time.

Monday, 22nd September
happy birthday steve
id like to wish steve a VERY happy birthday and hope you
have the best day ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-)

Sunday, 21st September
happy birthday paula

Sunday, 7th September
this week
this weeek has been a busy one on monday i was still off holiday and i
think i just lounged around all day. it was an early bed on tuesday because
it was school the next day. on wednesday i started school again and i am now
in miss holdaways class. in class on the first day i did r.e and english and
alot of reading. i am reading a book called wild life ways and it is fab. the
next day i also did r.e and a bit of maths and creative writing. on friday we
had golden assembly and i won an award for the research on victorian fairgrounds
and ryan mckee won one aswell. on saturday it was another lazy day and megan came
round. and today i am going to watch fame academy.

Monday, 1st September
my bedroom
hiya everyone im getting my bedroom re-done and i am
having it purple and silver so i hope it turns out alright so
see ya soon

Saturday, 23rd August
happy holiday and my birthday
hiya im back!!!!!!!!!!!. ive had a great holiday but now im back in england!!!
it was very sunny and i almost lived in the pool. i went out in the town and
it was wicked cos there were so many thing to buy and it was really colourful
i made some new freinds called isobel, danielle, annie and james and they
came home on the same flight as us. i also made a friend called heather and she was
staying for 2 weeks so i didnt come home on the same flight but i left her a message
at the hotel. on the 21 of august it was my birthday and i was nine and i got loads of prezzies and money. i want to thank all my friends and family for a great day (cos mum told me to!!!)

Monday, 11th August
I’m off now!
I can’t believe it’s here at i go to turkey. see you when i get back and i will tell you all about it:-)

Sunday, 10th August
holidays!!!!! and colds:-(
guess what???? i’m going to turkey tommorow!!!! yes, can you believe it!!!!
and today i’m getting my hair braided by paula. and now the bad news….. i got a cold on the last minute and i just have to get rid of the catarrh!!!!!
see ya

Friday, 1st August
cheeky my kitten
ive started playing on a new virtual pets game called petz4 and i have only got 1 pet but i love her all the same. ive taken loads of pics of her
and she is called cheeky!!!
see ya soon

happy birthday!!!!
id like to give thom a giant
love jamie;-)
p.s paula said happy birthday too!!