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Hi, I'm Jamie Little. Welcome to The Cat's Paw, my little place on the web.

Tuesday, 29th July

turkey again

by @ 7:53 pm in

hi again
guess where i am going again this year in 12 and a 1/4 days????
thats right ! TURKEY!!! i went last year and it was boiling and that was may and this time i am going in AUGUST!!! i will toast completly and because paula came last year she has gone all huffy and sorry if you’r reading but you were!!!!
see ya again

One Response to “turkey again”

  1. paula Says:

    Jamie…I trhough I was being really grown up about it..lol..sorry m8,just wish I was coming too..;-( have a fantastic time and at least this time you will have someone english to play with..;-)
    see u at the weekend worm!!!!!!!

The Cat's Paw