Welcome To The Cat's Paw  Where is the love?

Hi, I'm Jamie Little. Welcome to The Cat's Paw, my little place on the web.

Friday, 11th July

so far so good

by @ 10:31 am in

well the show went really well last night, it didnt finish till 10.05 so it was really late when i got to sleep!! i got woken up this morning but went right back to sleep and i have only just got up!!! Mum says i can go to school later today:-)

3 Responses to “so far so good”

  1. kim Says:

    good luck for the rest of the shows, hope you can stay awake.
    Kim and Megan xx

  2. Jackie Says:

    Glad it went well Jamie. Good luck for the other shows and ‘break a leg’

    Love you xx

  3. paula Says:

    cant believe you were a frog..hahaha,keep having fun Jamie and see you soon..;-)
    Paula xx

The Cat's Paw